There are many loan words in the Korean language that come from English, such as “taxi,” “bus,” “camera,” and so forth, so you will find yourself understanding the words in the signs or menus just by knowing how to read hangul, the Korean alphabet. The biggest strength of 한글 (Hangeul) is that it is very easy to learn how to read Korean and write Korean texts. And ‘Korean language’ (specifically, South Korean language) in Korean is 한국어 (hangugeo). 한 (han) means ‘Korean’ and 글 (geul) means ‘letter’.

Some people think hangul means the Korean language but it’s the name of the Korean alphabet letters. What is Hangul? What does hangul mean? Korean uses 한글 (Hangeul) or Hangul alphabet as its writing system. Even if you’re an absolute beginner to Korean, by the time you’re done reading this article you’ll be able to read and write Hangul like a pro - and you’ll get a feel for Korean culture and learn some Korean vocabulary at the same time! If you’ve ever wanted to sing Korean songs, write a letter in Korean, read Korean books, be able to get around in Korea, or just jump-start your Korean learning, you’re in the right place.