I just tested a Unity game Quern that has real time light and at 80% GPU utilization it has trouble reaching 79c for me.

There has to be an issue, because other games don't reach this temperature. Originally posted by Shabierte:I'm having the same problem, in my case my gpu is going up to 90º.

The GPU driver isn't doing what its supposed to be doing. If the GPU is not at 100% and reaches a temperature past that of 100% then you definitely have a problem but its not of the game. 100% is 100% and 100% is a possible realm of usage by design. Games don't control GPU temperatures or fan speeds. If a GPU running at 100% never reaches 80c but the game gets it to reach 80c right of the bat that literally makes no sense except that the driver has a problem and isn't ramping up the fan speed of the GPU. gpu is at maximum 67c, this game reaches 80 right from the start, I already tested the gpu with several stress programs even with 100% load does not reach 80c, the air conditioner stays on while playing at 18 degrees directed to the cabinet, gpu in iddle stays at 21 ~ 23 degrees, what would be the explanation for this problem, a real mystery because i can play many extremely heavy games at 65 ~ 67 degrees, but with this game always 80 degrees ''Outer Wilds'', every game made in unity has this problem, I'm playing red dead redemptiom 2, witcher 3.

Originally posted by Doutor Morte:I have the same problem with